Recommendations about Implementation of the "Lean Production" Concept in the Organization of Health Sector on the Example of Seltinsky Regional Hospital
Lean Policlinic project, diagram “Spaghetti”, system of 5S, visualization, flowcharts, losses, patient, doctorAbstract
Theoretical basics and the purposes of introduction of the “Lean production” concept are covered. The Lean Policlinic project and the experience of introduction of the project by other medical institutions is studied; losses in the field of health care that are equivalent on character to losses on production are revealed. On the basis of the analysis of questioning of patients in Seltinsky Regional Hospital, problems and results of their losses are revealed. Taking into account the structure of indexes of quality and the revealed problems in hospital, the plan of implementation of the Lean Policlinic project is developed. The analysis of processes of registry operation and work of doctors in states “as it is” and “as it has to be” with the use of flowcharts is carried out. Recommendations about reduction of the revealed losses during the registry operation and doctors’ work are developed for improvement of processes. The analysis of processes of movement of patients and doctors by means of the diagram “Spaghetti” is similarly carried out, and recommendations about reduction of losses at movement of patients and doctors are developed. When developing recommendations, the methods of Lean Production were used. The predicted effect of improvement of processes is also revealed. The developed recommendations about introduction of the project can be useful not only to Seltinsky Regional Hospital, but also to other hospitals.References
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