Creative Work Estimation and Creative Projects Time Study on the Basis of Complexity Theory and Fuzzy Logic Approaches


  • V. P. Koretsky Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. A. Galiakhmetov Kalashnikov ISTU



rationing of labor, creative work, assessment effort, complexity theory, fuzzy logic, work measurement, work norm-setting, brain-work, time study


The results of the creative labor regulation and time study are presented. The definition of a creative labor and brain-work product as a subject of regulation and work intensity estimation was developed. The method for creative brain-work intensity estimation on the basis of complexity theory is given, that enables to evaluate the competence complexity of creative brain-work results and time expenditure. New knowledge is considered as a result of creative research activity which complexity is defined through complexity, novelty and commercial potential. The possibility of the theory of complexity for creative work estimation was grounded. On the basis of statistical and expert models the regression was built to estimate time expenditure dependence on the competence complexity of the creative brain-work expected outcomes. The resulting dependency allows for estimating the time spent on the research project on the basis of project expected result estimation. The results of the evaluation of the labor intensity and standardization of research work as creative work and within the framework of fuzzy logic are presented. The main terms are formulated that allow to take into account the specificity and structure of the creative task with the given competence complexity, which makes it possible to carry out a quantitative assessment in order to further monetize the results of creative work.

Author Biographies

V. P. Koretsky, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD (Physics and Mathematics)

R. A. Galiakhmetov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Koretsky В. П., & Galiakhmetov Р. А. (2019). Creative Work Estimation and Creative Projects Time Study on the Basis of Complexity Theory and Fuzzy Logic Approaches. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(4), 97–101.


