Improvement of Region Executive Power System on Management of the Real Sector of Economy on the Basis of Program-Targeted Management
executive power, real sector of economy, management, program-target management, territorial economic policyAbstract
The concept of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, which is developed by the Government of the Russian Federation until 2020, supposes increasing the efficiency of regional management of the real economy. But organizations of the real sector of economy are economically independent and they have a number of problems in their activities, the solution of which depends on regional authorities. This necessitates the search for new methods and tools of regional management. Now regional management using the planning tools tested by the Soviet school for a long time, are trying to adapt them to modern conditions, to the needs of the real sector of the economy, without taking into account the fact of market relations and the fact that private property is established. In this paper the work substantiates the need to use the method of program-targeted management. This method supposes the concentration of functions in the executive power of the region and the corresponding formation of the structure of the regional government in the context of significant problems for the real economy, taking into account the simultaneous implementation of general management functions: planning, organization, control, etc. In general, the work concluded that at this time instant the formation of the structure of the regional government on the basis of program-targeted management is difficult.References
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