Rights of Disabled People in the Labor and Educational Spheres: Some Aspects of Regulatory and Legal Regulation
disabled people, rehabilitation, abilitation, employment, quotas, trainingAbstract
The relevance of the publication is determined by the significance of the socio-economical rights of disabled people in the spheres of labor and education. The importance of their solution is due to the reasons as general humanities, such as the civility of modern society and economics, since the full life of disabled people is possible only on the basis of their labor integration and related training. The realization of the above-mentioned rights is the basis for the integration of disabled people into all spheres of public life. An important role of legal regulation of the socio-economical rights of disabled people, represented by a hierarchical system of legal acts, is outlined. The main documents of the federal, ministerial, regional, local and corporate levels are characterized as the instruments of realization of the socio-economical rights of disabled people. Author accents the need to create a social model of the public attitude to the social group under consideration, which implies a full-scale (primarily - labor) integration of its representatives. The author concludes that it is important to carry out further systematic work on the legal and regulatory support for the rights and opportunities of disabled people, especially in the labor and educational spheres.References
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