Designing of Power Supply Modules Based on Capacitors with a Double Electric Layer
accumulator of electric energy, supercapacitor, balancing circuit, transients, converters of electric energyAbstract
On the basis of the market analysis the main segments of production and consumption of electric energy storage (EES) are given. A solution to the problem of designing the modules of capacitors with a double electric layer (supercapacitors) at the level of applicability is proposed, namely: classification requirements, variants of system engineering and algorithmization of their work are determined, methods of adaptation to the design of supercapacitors are considered. The variants of inclusion in the work of EES, providing short-term work load are considered. The paper shows the character of change of the load voltage and the conditions for the extension of the working range of operation of the modules based on supercapacitors, including with the use of DC/DC converters. It is illustrated that for the formation of a line of power sources based on electric energy storage devices it is enough to use typical DC or AC - converters. In the simulation of the processes of charging and analysis of the modes of operation of capacitors within the modules confirmed the necessity of application of schemes for active and passive balancing of supercapacitors, which allows to ensure stable operation of capacitors within the modules. The simulation of transient processes in multi-element energy storage is performed that allowed to investigate the dynamics of the output of storage to the stationary mode and to establish the basic requirements for the components of supercapacitor EES. Experimental studies at JSC “Elecond” confirmed the results of theoretical studies. Morphological analysis of imported and domestic components allowed to justify the choice of control, power and other electronic components, allowing to create EES with optimal performance.References
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