Methods of Increasing the Stability of Speed Rotation of Wind Turbine Rotor
wind power, wind generator, meteorological parameter, angular speed, inertia momentAbstract
The analysis and research of methods of increasing the stability and frequency of rotation of modern wind generators (WG) in the course of electric power generation is carried out. The necessity of reducing the dynamic loads and improving the reliability indicators in the context of incomplete information on characteristics of the meteorological and electric power conditions changing in time is proved. The mathematical model of the electric power WG production process is improved, wherein the meteorological parameter defining the character of dependence of the angular speed of the wind wheel rotor on the wind speed and the angle of blade position is selected with possibility of preliminary definition of the change of frequency of the wind wheel rotation that promotes the account of dynamic properties of the system to increase the efficiency of making the operating decisions at variable characteristics of meteorological conditions. The presence of the factor in the proposed formula provides here the decrease in the cubic degree of meteorological parameter to the unit that gives the chance to receive linear dependence of speed rotation of the rotor according to environment change. The method of the system preparation to the external revolting influences, containing a timely installation of the blade pitch angle is offered according to estimating the speed of air stream and power consumption, with the account of system inertia and time needed to change the blade position which allows to consider dynamic features of the system operation. The system of linear differential equations for automatic control taking into account the influence of wind speed, the capacity of the consumed electric power and the delay time on regulation is resulted. The modified mathematical model of the process of wind power electric power generation by the installation with possibility of preliminary definition of the wind turbine frequency rotation variation is developed.References
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