Management of Operational Fire Units Activities under Condition of Their Paucity


  • M. V. Bondarenko State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia
  • A. P. Perepichay Udmurt Republic Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia



fire extinguishment, force and means management, management algorithm, water main, booster hose line


The paper presents the management algorithms of a fire service vehicle completely equipped or with account of not full complement on the vehicle. The paper gives a chance to treat the problem of a qualitative fulfillment of their functions by operational fire units under the condition of a limited personnel number from a scientific point of view. The authors have conducted the analysis of the variety of fire-fighters deployments on fire tanks which helped them to define one of the deployments that was most often used in the practice of fire-fighting. The proposed management algorithms of fire unit’s activity on fire tanks help to treat the problem of fire security from a scientific point of view. This, in its turn, gives the basis for a deep investigation in the field of fire management support both in a single region, and in a whole country. The reason of writing this paper was the fact that until recently the problems of organization and management in the system of fire prevention and protection were solved mainly basing on the accumulated experience and intuition. At present, the developed scientific methods are required to solve them, mainly basing on some sections of modern mathematics and realized by means of computers. Therefore the specialists in fire science must be able to use in practice the principles of scientific management organization in the sphere of their activity.

Author Biographies

M. V. Bondarenko, State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. P. Perepichay, Udmurt Republic Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia


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How to Cite

Bondarenko М. В., & Perepichay А. П. (2019). Management of Operational Fire Units Activities under Condition of Their Paucity. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(4), 182–188.


