Analysis of Structure of Fire Safety System for People in the Building


  • B. V. Chirkov Udmurt State University



evacuation management, security system analysis, adaptive management, fire safety, fire risk reduction, controlled evacuation


The work is devoted to consideration of the existing structure of the fire safety system of people in the building and the option to improve it. Due to the human losses that Russia annually suffers during fires in public buildings, a new approach to development of a fire safety system and its subsystems is required. The structure of the fire safety system for people in the building is given. The goal of the system has been defined and a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the system’s operation - the level of fire safety of people in the building - has been proposed. The subsystem that has the greatest impact on the level of fire safety of people in a building is highlighted - the warning system and management of evacuation of people from a building during a fire. The input parameters necessary for the functioning of the subsystem are defined, which in turn determined the structure of the new fire safety system. In conclusion, improvement of the structure of the fire safety system and its requirements are proposed. The advantages of the system are the adaptability of the system to changing conditions in the building in real time and ensuring the evacuation of people from the building along safe paths in the shortest possible time.

Author Biography

B. V. Chirkov, Udmurt State University


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How to Cite

Chirkov Б. В. (2019). Analysis of Structure of Fire Safety System for People in the Building. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(4), 217–221.


