Influence of Volleyball on Attention Development of Children during Training
development of attention, attention span, attention switching, sports volleyball, sports exercisesAbstract
The paper presents the results of the study of the influence of volleyball on the development of attention. Since adolescents have a high fatigue and, in this connection, a decrease in the properties of attention, the development of this quality is possible with sports games and game exercises during training. To increase the level of attention, the criteria of attention were diagnosed. Our studies have determined the levels of the following features of attention: the amount of attention and attention switching by the methods “Remember and place the points” by Bogomolov and the “Black and Red Table” by Gorbov and Schulte. To develop the attention of adolescent children in the experimental group, a methodical complex of games and exercises was developed at the training of volleyball. Obtained statistically reliable results indicate that all the studied indicators have changed for the better. So the level of volume and switching of attention of the experimental group to the beginning of the study was lower than at the end of the experiment. Thus, for the experimental group, we can state an increase in the level of attention volume after the experiment. The results show that playing volleyball increases the level of volume and attention switching in adolescent children.References
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