Concept of Natural Science Education with Inclusion of Fundamentals of Nanotechnology in High-Tech Region
nanotechnology, school nano-education, consortium, modernization of education, regionalization of education, additional educational programs, learning through researchAbstract
The paper presents the concept of natural science education with the inclusion of the fundamentals of nanotechnology in a high-tech region. An analysis is given of the current state of school nano-education abroad, in Russia, including in the Udmurt Republic. The concept gives an idea of how in the regional education system to organize a purposeful work on teaching the fundamentals of nanotechnology at the school level. The goal, the tasks of the concept, its basic principles are formulated, taking into account which, according to the author, there should be school nano-education in a high-tech region. A set of organizational, educational, methodical and technological measures aimed at forming a unified educational space in the field of natural sciences and nanotechnologies for providing the region with highly qualified personnel is proposed. Experience of implementing the concept in the Udmurt Republic is described. Evaluation of results of the developed concept implementation allows us to conclude that the formation of school nano-education as a subsystem of regional continuous education in the field of nanotechnologies is possible only in a single organizational cycle that is provided within the consortium, including general educational institutions, higher educational institutions, academic institutes of the RAS, enterprises and public organizations of the region.References
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