Analysis of the Psychological State of Hearing-Impaired Students (Based on the Luscher Color Test and the Dembo-Rubinstein Technique)
inclusive education, hearing-impaired students, Luscher color test, Dembo-Rubinstein technique, self-esteem, reflection, adequate self-esteem, low self-esteem, inflated self-esteemAbstract
The paper deals with the problem of inclusive education which is relevant to the entire national education. The training of students with health limitations in higher educational institutions of our country is becoming the norm. This process requires significant efforts from the students themselves, their parents and teachers, raises many questions on the organization of contact classes and independent work. The problem is covered with respect to studying the psychological state of hearing-impaired and deaf first-year students from a technical university. The psychological comfort of students and educators is one of the most important conditions for the positive result of students’ adaptation to the learning process and the assimilation of their educational material. In the paper the specific features of hearing-impaired students’ training are given. The data of the Lusher color test and the Dembo-Rubinshtein technique of “Diagnostics of the level of self-esteem” in the modification of A. M. Prikhozhan collected during the first year of training at a technical university are analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that most of the training group has intrapersonal conflicts, and note an overestimated level of aspiration. In general, the psychological state of hearing-impaired students is characterized as a moderate stress which can be overcome by the development character traits revealed in the test results.References
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