Age Features of Professional Self-Determination of Personality


  • N. P. Galiakhmetova Izhevsk State Medical Academy



self-determination, age, profession, professional self-realization


The paper deals with the problem of age characteristics of professional self-determination of personality. Professional development is a long process that implies the possibility of unlimited development of a person. This process is associated with different goals and has different content at different age stages. Despite the constantly changing social, economic and political conditions of life, issues related to professional self-determination remain steadily in the spotlight. Professional orientation is an important component of professional self-determination. The well-being of a person in all his subsequent life depends on the right professional self-determination. Therefore, it is necessary to promote this process from the early stages of human life, taking into account the age stages. The modern system of domestic education orients young people to an active search for innovative conditions for professional self-realization. The strengthening of conditions of competition in the labor market has clearly exacerbated the social need to solve the problem of professional orientation of students and caused the need for motivational structuring of the process of self-determination. The definition of the essence of professional self-determination is still an unsolved problem and therefore the appeal to this problem takes an important place in the creative search not only for teachers and psychologists, but also philosophers, methodologists, writers, representatives of various areas of science and art. The most important criterion for the development of professional orientation was the emergence of a real problem of freedom of choice for a significant number of people.

Author Biography

N. P. Galiakhmetova, Izhevsk State Medical Academy

PhD in Education


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How to Cite

Galiakhmetova Н. П. (2019). Age Features of Professional Self-Determination of Personality. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(4), 279–282.


