To Selection of Parameters of Plates of Roller Chains


  • A. P. Fot Orenburg State University
  • Y. V. Turygin Kalashnikov ISTU



drive chain, plate, link, durability, calculation algorithm


The paper is devoted to the design of chain drives with roller chains, which are widely used in modern engineering (in drives of various machines: transporting and transport machines, agricultural machinery, drilling equipment, etc.), specifically, determining the parameters of the plates of internal links of driving roller chains. The authors set out the main provisions of the method for calculating the longevity of plates of three types (the traditional form according to the current standards and two new forms proposed by the authors (modified plates) with a modified geometry, ensuring a reduction in stress concentration and an increase in the durability of plates). The dependences for the geometrical calculation of the plates of the described forms are given, which allow to determine all the dimensions of the plates from the main parameter of the drive roller chain - its pitch, which is determined by the applicable standards and specifications for the manufacture of chains. The indicated dependences were obtained on the basis of processing the sizes of chains with a pitch from 12.7 mm to 63.5 mm according to GOST 13568-97 (ISO 606-94) “Roller drive and sleeve chains. General technical conditions. Original dependencies are also proposed for finding the area of plates of various shapes, for calculating the number of cycles before the plates fail, depending on the level of stresses in the plate sections and the correction factor for calculating the durability taking into account the actual dimensions of the plates of a particular manufacturer. The calculation method is the basis of the algorithm of the computer program, which allows to significantly reduce the time for evaluating the plate options when designing a circuit and making a decision on the choice of plate design and dimensions.

Author Biographies

A. P. Fot, Orenburg State University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

Y. V. Turygin, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Fot А. П., & Turygin Ю. В. (2019). To Selection of Parameters of Plates of Roller Chains. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(1), 45–51.


