Analysis of Influence of Kinetics of the TV Multicast Photocurrent on the Error of Measuring the Coordinates and Sizes of Light Zones


  • Y. K. Shelkovnikov Mechanics Institute UdmFRC UB RAS
  • N. I. Osipov Mechanics Institute UdmFRC UB RAS
  • S. R. Kiznertcev Mechanics Institute UdmFRC UB RAS
  • A. A. Meteleva Kalashnikov ISTU



multiscan, videosignal, current kinetics, coordinate characteristic, light zone, measurement error


The paper describes the features of the formation of the coordinate characteristics of the multiscan, which shows the linearity of the linear coordinate conversion of the controlled light flux into the time coordinate in the n-p-n structure taking into account the kinetics of resistive divider currents. The process of the redistribution of the currents inside a multiscan, made on the basis of two longitudinal resistive dividers and elementary cells of three p-n junctions, is described. It is shown that in the process of interrogating the multiscan with antiphase sawtooth interrogation voltages, the photocurrents of cells are redirected from one resistive divider to another, which causes a change in the distribution of the coordinate setting voltages along the both dividers. At the same time, when projecting light zones (especially wide ones) with a high level of illumination, as well as in the scanstor, the linearity of the coordinate characteristic is violated. A mathematical model of the multiscan has been developed in the form of a system of equations connecting the integral photocurrent and voltage in the elements of its structure, taking into account external electrical circuits. Expressions and diagrams of the integral and video signal currents of the multiscan have been obtained when it is switched on in the “blind spot” mode, which display the expansion of the output video signal and an increase in the error of the coordinate indications of the light fluxes due to an increase in the scanning aperture. The simulation of the deformation process of the coordinate-setting voltage in the Micro-Cap program has been performed, which showed the maximum deviation of this voltage from the linear one near the center of the photosensitive surface and decreased to zero at its ends. It has been established that the effect of the redistribution of photocurrents flowing into resistive dividers (or flowing out from them when the polarity of the cell diodes is reversed) causes a multidirectional error in determining the coordinates of the leading and trailing edge of the video signal due to a change in voltage on the divider. When the illumination of the wide light zones on the multiscan is limited to a level at which the integral photocurrent does not exceed 0.002 of the divider bias current, the errors in determining the coordinates of these zones do not exceed the step of the multiscan structure. For narrow light zones, this error does not exceed half the step of the discrete structure of the multiscan over its entire length even at high levels of illumination.

Author Biographies

Y. K. Shelkovnikov, Mechanics Institute UdmFRC UB RAS

DSc in Engineering, Professor

N. I. Osipov, Mechanics Institute UdmFRC UB RAS

PhD in Engineering

S. R. Kiznertcev, Mechanics Institute UdmFRC UB RAS

PhD in Engineering

A. A. Meteleva, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Shelkovnikov Ю. К., Osipov Н. И., Kiznertcev С. Р., & Meteleva А. А. (2019). Analysis of Influence of Kinetics of the TV Multicast Photocurrent on the Error of Measuring the Coordinates and Sizes of Light Zones. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(1), 89–99.


