Simulation Model of Satellite Communication Channel


  • I. R. Atyeva Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. A. Zykin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. V. Khvorenkov Kalashnikov ISTU



MSK - Minimum Shift Keying, simulation, satellite radio channel, MATLAB, SIMULINK


The paper presents the developed computer model of a satellite communication channel, taking into account the influence of the Doppler frequency shift and a third-party communication satellite. The computer model was developed in the Simulink graphical simulation environment, which is included in the MATLAB software package. The paper discusses a simulation model of a satellite communication channel using the MSK (Minimum Shift Keying) signal. In the course of the work, digital signal processing algorithms were studied and applied when developing a computer model of a satellite communication channel. The specified parameters of the received signal are determined by the basic parameters of the digital demodulator of the MSK signal, such as: repetition frequency, sampling frequency, minimum analog-digital converter bit depth, number of quantization levels, cutoff frequency of the digital differentiator. As a result of computer simulation of a satellite communication channel, the effect of the frequency offset of the MSK signal and the level of an interfering signal (third-party satellite) on the modem interference immunity was studied, in the absence of the influence of a third-party communication satellite. According to the simulation results, graphs of the probability of a bit reception error on the level of an interfering signal and the probability of error on frequency offset are obtained. The developed computer model significantly expands the range of tasks related to the operational evaluation of the parameters of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and radio suppression in the groups of mobile radio-electronic systems.

Author Biographies

I. R. Atyeva, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

A. A. Zykin, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

V. V. Khvorenkov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Atyeva И. Р., Zykin А. А., & Khvorenkov В. В. (2019). Simulation Model of Satellite Communication Channel. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(1), 100–107.


