Parameters of the machining tool and quality of quartz glass elements
quartz glass, roughness, grinding, polishing, etching, polyurethaneAbstract
This paper discusses the methods of processing glass, including quartz. Research is aimed at improving the quality of the surface in the physical and chemical methods of exposure to the product, to ensure high precision machining and surface quality without microcracks and scratches. Processing was applied to rotation bodies. Polyurethanes with solid inclusions were used as a polishing tool. The parameters of solid inclusions are investigated and their influence on the quality of the surface obtained is evaluated. The rigidity of the machine tooling significantly exceeded the rigidity of the workpiece and the polishing tool, spring-loaded in the axial direction.
The results of the study were obtained for the operations of grinding, polishing and etching quartz glass samples with different processing modes. The influence of these processes on the value of the surface roughness of silica glass was evaluated. It was established that there is a number of factors affecting the quality of the glass surface during processing, such as: geometry and surface roughness before processing; the quality of the polishing tool; the etching mechanism; time and modes during polishing, as well as the effect of the polishing slurry. During processing, a change in the roughness parameter occurs, depending on the formation of the macrogeometry of the surface to be treated in the course of polishing and etching, as a result, the division into conditional boundaries of the treatment zones occurs.References
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