Aspects of Design and Technology Preproduction of Face Gears of Drive Heads


  • E. S. Trubachev
  • S. D. Kolchin



приводная головка, плоскоколесная передача, расчет геометрии, пятно контакта, нарезание зубьев


The paper, which is mainly of applied character, considers an important aspect of import substitution in mechanical engineering – preproduction of gears for angular drive heads applied in metal cutting machine-tools. These gears operate in strict conditions of relatively high loads and speeds and possess small overall dimensions. In particular, the new technique of design and production of alternative face (mixed, non-involute) gears is proposed, which is the convenient technical and technological solution for enterprises specializing in production of bevel gears. The technique for gear cutting is considered; it implies application of common gear cutting tools and equipment for pinion teeth and the common vertical three-coordinate machining center and end tools.

Geometrical analysis of the gear is carried out by two methods that gave practically the same result: by the software KISSsoft and our own developed software. Simulation of meshing errors is carried out by means of the CAD system KOMPAS-3D. The paper presents the results of gear analysis, tooth cutting, evaluation of contact pattern sensitivity to the action of mounting errors and evaluation of the gear specimen that showed the correctness of the made decisions on gear layout and modification of tooth flanks.


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How to Cite

Trubachev Е. С., & Kolchin С. Д. (2019). Aspects of Design and Technology Preproduction of Face Gears of Drive Heads. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(2), 11–21.


