Analysis of the Efficiency of Ultrasonic and Magnetic Channels of Flaw Detection Systems


  • A. A. Markov
  • E. A. Maksimova



rails, defects, diagnostic complex, ultrasound, echo signal, magnetic method (MFL), multichannel control


The paper shows the capabilities of diagnostic systems located on the flaw detector cars, while monitoring rails at speeds up to 60 km/h. The effectiveness of different channels of complexes is shown that implement ultrasonic methods of reflection and mirror through transmission method in identifying transverse and longitudinal cracks in the rail head.

A significant database of real rail damage is analyzed. It is shown that about 80% of defects in the rail head are cracks of longitudinal orientation, which are very uncertainly detected by inclined ultrasonic channels.

For the first time, the contribution of each of the ultrasonic and magnetic channels of defectoscopic complexes to the detection of defects in the rail head has been evaluated. None of the ultrasound channels separately provides the detection of all considered damages. The magnetic control method (MFL) with the active magnetizing system of rails when searching for defects in the rail head at depths of up to 20 - 22 mm is not inferior to ultrasonic methods of control in its efficiency. The presence of a magnetic channel with an active magnetization system makes it possible to additionally detect 26% more defects than in its absence.

The analysis of signals from real defects confirmed once again that only the integrated application of ultrasonic and magnetic control methods ensures reliable and timely detection of dangerous defects in rails.


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How to Cite

Markov А. А., & Maksimova Е. А. (2019). Analysis of the Efficiency of Ultrasonic and Magnetic Channels of Flaw Detection Systems. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(2), 22–32.


