On the Question of Possibility to Use a Modular Weapon’s Design with a Promising Cartridge
модульная конструкция, сменные стволы, патроны, прочностные расчетыAbstract
The paper is devoted to the current topic of the modular's weapons development as a natural process of evolution of general engineering technical systems. This paper deals with the problem of using modular weapons with a promising cartridge with a higher power than the closest analogues. The main content of research is the determination of the optimal ballistic cartridge's parameters being investigated and parameters of the developed modular weapon, in particular: the barrel length, the liner's geometrical parameters, the maximum pressure, the bullet's initial velocity and the powder charge's mass. Considerable attention is paid to the strength calculation of the interchangeable barrel's mount and receiver as the most loaded part of small arms. The design scheme of fixing the barrel in the receiver is presented and the main fixing element dimensions are calculated according to strength conditions.
The last part of the paper presents the results of determining the kinetic energy of the designed cartridge bullet and the 7H6 cartridge bullet in the software product developed at the Small Arms Department at Kalashnikov ISTU.
The conclusion presents the possibility of using promising cartridges with a higher power in the modular weapon scheme and the tasks are identified for the subsequent analysis and formation of requirements to modular weapon systems.References
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