Strength Calculation of Planetary Gear Elements with Swinging Rollers of the Mechanism for Torque Absorption from the Satellite


  • A. V. Ovsyannikov
  • L. P. Perminov
  • G. N. Glavatskikh
  • E. V. Saltykova



planetary gear, internal meshing, roller mechanism, strength


The paper describes rational designs of planetary gears with internal meshing of wheels, a small difference in the number of their teeth and a mechanism for torque absorption from the satellite, containing cylindrical and swinging rollers.

Specific features of the strength calculation of planetary gear elements with swinging rollers are considered taking into account the manufacturing errors of the mechanism. In the presence of such errors, it is possible to reduce the uneven distribution of load between the rollers by increasing their flexural compliance, by reducing the diameter of the roller to a value providing its fatigue strength.

The loads acting in the most critical sections of the roller are determined. The system of equations is obtained that describes the distribution of the load between the rollers in the most unfavorable case of the location of the holes in the satellites and the disks. This system allows for determining the coefficient of uneven distribution of the load between the rollers.

Formulas are obtained for calculating roller rigidity and stress arising in a critical section of the roller. The diagrams of dependencies of roller relative rigidity vs. its relative length, the coefficient of uneven distribution of load between rollers vs. the manufacturing relative error of the mechanism, the relative stress in the most critical section of the loaded roller vs. its relative length are constructed.

The obtained dependences make it possible to carry out the checking strength calculation of the rollers for given geometric parameters and the accuracy of positioning holes in satellites and disks.


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How to Cite

Ovsyannikov А. В., Perminov Л. П., Glavatskikh Г. Н., & Saltykova Е. В. (2019). Strength Calculation of Planetary Gear Elements with Swinging Rollers of the Mechanism for Torque Absorption from the Satellite. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(2), 39–46.


