Research of the Effect of Parameters of Vacuum Condensation Deposition of Coatings on the Temperature of the Treated Detail
evaporation temperature, hollow parts, deposition parameters, condensation chrome platingAbstract
The influence of parameters of the vacuum condensation deposition of a metallic coating using a rod resistive evaporator on the temperature of a hollow part during the formation of a coating layer on the surface of the hole has been studied.
It is shown that the heat sources of the evaporator and the heat of condensation of the vapor of the sprayed metal are sources of heating the workpiece.
In general, the ratio of the heat flux of the evaporator radiation and the heat of condensation depends on the nature of the condensable substance and the deposition parameters. It has been established that when choosing typical values of the parameters of the technology of condensation chrome plating of a steel part, the main contribution to its heating is made by the thermal radiation of the evaporator – 85-97 %; to a lesser extent, the part is heated by the heat of condensation of chromium – 15-3 %.
The following sputtering parameters are analyzed, which in different degrees affect the thermal state of the part: initial diameter of a core resistive evaporator devap.0, evaporator temperature Tevap, duration of coating deposition tdep, initial condensation temperature Tcond.0, diameter of the heater Dheat, temperature of the heater Theat, diameter of the hole Dint.diam, outer diameter of the part Dpart.
As a result of studies of the thermal state of the part during the deposition of the condensation chromium coating, performed using the method of mathematical modeling, the most significant parameters determining the temperature rise of the part Tpart are calculated: a) evaporator temperature Tevap and b) initial condensation temperature Tcond.0 of the coating.
When the most significant parameter changes by 1% – the evaporator temperature Tevap, the temperature rise of the part Tpart during a long time of formation of the coating is from 0.44 to 1.18 %. The influence of the second significant parameter – the initial condensation temperature Tcond.0 – on the growth of the part temperature is somewhat less. At the same time, the degree of influence of this parameter under the same coating deposition conditions gradually decreases from 0.77 to 0.31%. The role of the other studied parameters of deposition in the temperature variation of the part is of little importance.
One of the rational ways to reduce the unwanted overheating of the part during the condensation of the coating is the intensification of technological modes of deposition. Due to this approach, due to the choice of the maximum possible evaporation temperature Tevap, a high evaporation rate Vevap of the deposited material is achieved and, as a result, a high condensation rate Vcond is ensured, the duration of coating formation of the required thickness is reduced, and the heat load on the workpiece is also reduced.References
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