Collection of Information for On-Board Diagnosis Systems on the Technical Condition of the Engine when Operating a Truck
on-board system, diagnostics, residual resource, truck, engineAbstract
The paper considers the controlled parameters of the engine in order to fully monitor its technical condition in operation – crankshaft speed, crankshaft torque, oil pressure in the lubrication system, fuel pressure in the power system. There is a review of the importance of trucks, the technical condition of parts, components of a car in general for motor transport companies. The experimental data of a truck was studied: the distribution of causes of engine repairs and the limiting dimensions of the technical condition of parts. Investigating the changes in monitored parameters, we can determine the condition of parts. Depending on the intensity of wear of parts, the monitored parameters of the engine and the properties of the engine oil are changing, which makes it possible to diagnose the car at any time, as well as more efficiently adjust the frequency of maintenance and repair of the car. At any time we can determine the residual life of the engine. After repair and maintenance, on-board diagnostic systems also provide an opportunity to control the quality of performed work and the quality of used tools. A block diagram of the on-board diagnostic system was developed. The information obtained during a truck testing, the relationship between the degree of deterioration of the unit’s coupling with the residual resource is presented. On-board diagnostics systems continuously collect, record, process, and analyze the information on the state of the unit (engine) and provide it to the operator.References
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