Investigation of the Influence of the Radar Channel on the Search of Polarization-Modulated Signal
polarization, algorithm, probability, signal skipping, diagram, beamAbstract
The use of a polarization-modulated signal imposes additional requirements to the process of detecting such a signal, since a change in polarization can significantly change the energy parameters of the signal at the same angular positions of the antenna pattern. Research of dependency of the average probability of missing the signal for the given range of the target from the combination of different indicators define the state of polarization of the radiation pattern, the relationship of signal to interference and the weight of the beam. An algorithm for analyzing the sequence of solutions for detecting a polarization-modulated signal is obtained. The dependence of the quality of detection of the PM signal from the step of the search is obtained. The algorithm of recognition of false detections is offered. The analysis of variants of loss of the beam carrying false information is carried out. The average time of continuous tracking of the beam is determined. The process of the analyzed algorithm is represented by a simple Markov chain. The algorithm model is represented by a diagram of the states of decision flows and false detections. The search process is represented by a sequence of checks, the decisions on which are statistical in nature. The dependences between the average search time of the beam and the ratio of the useful signal to the noise are obtained. It is shown that the search process is characterized by the presence of the optimal value of the probability of false detections, which provides the minimum average value of the search time. The results suggest that the probability of skipping determines the main indicators of detection of broadband polarization modulated signal.References
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