Conversion of Polarization Characteristics of Sounding Signals by a Radar Target
basis, signal, metric, effective estimate, scattering matrix, invariant, classificationAbstract
The influence of the movement of the target on the characteristics of its own basis is investigated. The influence of the modulation of the polarization characteristics of the probing signal on the probability of detection is determined. A method of calculating the potential of improving the technical characteristics of the radar by a targeted change in the structure of the probing signal over time is proposed. It is proposed to use multi-position polarization modulation to solve the problem of target recognition. The ways of increasing the arsenal of multi-position polarization are proposed. To remove the a priori uncertainty of the radar channel state associated with dynamically changing effective scattering areas, the Bhattacharya metric was used. On the basis of the Wishart distribution, the distributions of the probabilities of sample values of the main indicators of the state of the radar channel are obtained. Algorithms were obtained and the sample sizes were determined that are necessary to obtain practically unbiased and effective estimates of the main indicators of the state of the effective area of the radar scattering target. It is proposed to use invariants of the polarization matrix of the power dissipation of the target to solve the problem of classifying targets. On the basis of the Wishart distribution, the distributions of the sample trace values and the determiner of the power dissipation matrix are determined. Algorithms for calculating invariants are obtained and the intervals of observations are determined at which the estimates of sample values become practically unbiased and effective.References
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