Development and Research of the Dipole Antenna with the Reduced Span


  • B. P. Verba
  • K. V. Shishakov



antenna, frequency rate, wideband matching device, standing wave ratio


Development and research of the dipole antenna with the reduced span is considered. For this purpose at first the total characteristic of the factors connected with span reduction  of dipole antennas is given. Estimates of frequency sensitivity of input resistance of the antenna, and also the  reflection coefficient depending on the antenna Q-factor are made. Factors of reducing the antenna Q-factor for expansion of the frequency range of their passive matching of a feeder line are discussed.

Quantitative estimates of a band of passive matching of the half-wave symmetric vibrator taking into account diameters of conductors, and also their expansion at the expense of additional termination resistors are given.

The constructive synthesis of the flat antenna with the reduced span in a band of the frequencies of 230-280 MHz is made. With use of the program of modeling of MMANA frequency, the dependences of the standing wave coefficient and input resistance of the antenna for symmetric linear dipole antennas are investigated: half-wave 554 mm; truncated 284 mm with the extending coil 282 nH, Q =100; 284 mm with the coil 282 nH and the resistor 160 Ohms; three options of flat antennas 284 mm ´ 50 mm with the capacity terminals without loading elements.

On the basis of the received results the flat truncated symmetric sawtooth dipole antenna with dimensions
284 mm ´ 50 mm, having the capacity terminals and the additional extending coil 55 nH has been offered, made and investigated. Its passive matching of SWR < 2 in a band of frequencies 230-280 MHz on an idealized transmission line with a wave resistance 20 Ohms required the additional 80 Ohm terminal resistor.


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How to Cite

Verba Б. П., & Shishakov К. В. (2019). Development and Research of the Dipole Antenna with the Reduced Span. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(2), 99–108.


