On Ultrasonic Control of the Thickness of Plasma Surfacing of Copper-Nickel Alloy on a Steel Cylindrical Surface


  • A. L. Uglov
  • A. A. Khlybov
  • M. V. Kolesnikov
  • T. V. Bystrukova
  • A. L. Bychkov




ultrasonic testing, surfacing, coating thickness, acoustic impedance


It is known that in order to improve the performance of metal products the surfacing, in particular, plasma ones are widely used. The paper investigates the plasma surfacing of a copper-nickel alloy deposited on a cylindrical steel surface. The requirements are increased for surfacing: the stability of the coating thickness, the absence of macroscopic defects in the form of cracks and nonpenetration both in the solid of the surfacing and in the fusion zone.

Provided that the acoustic properties of copper-nickel surfacing and the base metal are similar in their characteristics, it is quite difficult to ensure the control of the quality of the surfacing by existing methods (based on acoustic methods), especially in mass production. Therefore, there is a need for further development of existing methods and techniques of control.

To solve this problem, the conducted studies have shown that it is possible to use a slope transducer of transverse waves with an input angle that provides control of the given coating thickness with an error of 0.02 mm. The experimental data obtained by the acoustic method are confirmed by the results of chemical etching. Also, according to the results of these studies, an automatic control of the coating thickness with the output of the control results in the database and on the monitor screen is proposed.


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How to Cite

Uglov А. Л., Khlybov А. А., Kolesnikov М. В., Bystrukova Т. В., & Bychkov А. Л. (2019). On Ultrasonic Control of the Thickness of Plasma Surfacing of Copper-Nickel Alloy on a Steel Cylindrical Surface. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(3), 3–10. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2019-3-3-10


