Experimental Research of Dynamic Reactions in Planetary Gears with the Roller Mechanism for Torque Absorption
planetary gear, dynamics, reactions, roller, mechanismAbstract
Results of an experimental research of k-h-v type planetary gears with cylindrical rollers of the mechanism for torque absorption from the satellite are given.
Dynamic reactions in this gear are defined by three factors: the presence of the planet carrier eccentricity, the movement of rollers in the gear and oscillatory processes. Eccentricity causes the emergence of a centrifugal moment of inertia concerning a spin axis of the planet carrier. Determination of the centrifugal moment of inertia in connection with the constant movement of rollers, is complicated. The movement of rollers should be shown as the increase in dynamic reactions through the certain period connected with the gear ratio from the planet carrier to satellites that is required to be confirmed experimentally. The experimental complex connected with the personal computer is described.
The experimental stand gives an opportunity to vary the angular speed of a shaft of the electric motor, to fix and process indications of strain gages, using the corresponding software.
Influence of rollers of the planetary gear on change of dynamic reactions is researched with different frequencies of the engine. Conclusions are drawn on the rational change of construction of the tooth-roller mechanism for the purpose of decrease in dynamic reactions in the planetary mechanism with the roller mechanism for torque absorption from the satellite.
Execution of recommendations gives the chance to use the planetary tooth-roller gear also at high rotational speeds.References
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