Technological Features of Assembly and Testing of Modular Weapons
modular weapons, assembly technology, methods of control, preparation of production, quality of assembly, dimensional chainAbstract
The paper is devoted to the current topic of the development of modular weapons as a natural process of development of technical systems of general mechanical engineering. The technological features of the assembly of small arms in general and related to modular weapons in particular are considered. Requirements are given and tasks of technical preparation of production are defined. The degree of importance of the assembly stage is estimated.
Modular weapons consist of parts and assemblies. In turn, parts and assemblies have certain dimensions and dimensional chains. The methods of solving dimensional chains for applicability in modular weapons are analyzed, in particular, the applicability of the method of absolute interchangeability and constructive compensation is considered in detail.
The documents necessary for the rational development of the assembly technology are defined. The main ones include the design documentation and specifications for the product. The process of the barrel and receiver assembly is considered in more detail as the most difficult and important moment of modular weapon manufacturing. Solutions to the problem of interchangeability of trunks are described and the most problematic places of attachment of the trunk to the receiver requiring a more detailed analysis are determined.
Much attention is paid to the tests of modular weapons after the assembly. Examples of the equipment and materials necessary for control of finished goods are given. The main types of acceptance and control tests are defined: two shots with a strengthened charge; on accuracy; on interaction of mechanisms, etc.References
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