Study of the Effectiveness of Signal-Code Options Designs for Tuning a Cognitive Radio System


  • T. A. Sharipov
  • K. V. Shishakov



cognitive radio system, modeling, signal code construction, modulation, error-correcting coding


The results of modeling the effectiveness of signal-code structures (SCC) for tuning a cognitive radio system are considered. In this case, SCC are formed by different combinations of digital modulators and error-correcting encoders. Among the modulators for the research, PAM, ASK, PSK, QAM, FSK, MSK with varying degrees of multi-positioning were selected. Among the error-correcting codes, the BCH, Reed - Solomon, Golay, convolutional, and Hamming codes were selected. The SCC research was conducted at the National Instruments stand based on SDR technology using ready-made routines for modulators and error-correcting encoders implemented in the LabView environment. The results of modeling the effect of noise in the communication channel on the performance of various digital modems, characterized by different information transfer rates are presented. The problem has been investigated how to increase the SCC resistance to noise by introducing error-correcting encoders while maintaining the increased information transfer rates. It is shown how the results of the research can be used to create a cognitive radio system. An algorithm for adaptive tuning of the SCC of a cognitive radio system to a changing noise level in a radio channel is described. The process of its work is demonstrated on the example of the SCC group, consisting of different combinations of QAM modulators with increasing multi-positioning and error-correcting Reed-Solomon encoders of different strengths. It is shown that the performed simulation of the effectiveness of SCCs for tuning a cognitive radio system is the first step in the practical creation of a specific cognitive radio system made using SDR technology.


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How to Cite

Sharipov Т. А., & Shishakov К. В. (2019). Study of the Effectiveness of Signal-Code Options Designs for Tuning a Cognitive Radio System. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(3), 63–71.


