On the Question of Choice of Software Tools for Modeling Radio Systems
Lab VIEW, GNU Radio, software-defined radio, peripheral radio system, С , Python, Gnu OctaveAbstract
The main trend of advanced radar systems is the transition to digital technology. This moment is clearly expressed in the process of development and wide implementation of the technology of the software-defined radio (SDR). The software-defined radio technology gives an opportunity for all radio engineers to make radar systems by using the SDR based program models. The paper deals with the question of choosing the software tools for modeling and design of radar systems. Two software tools for programming SDR systems are analyzed: Lab VIEW и GNU Radio. The paper describes their structures, interface, models of basic components and system requirements to these programs. Examples are given for application of these tools in research of radar systems based on the signal with frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) generation. By means of the algorithm of such signal generation, models of FMCW generators are developed and operation of the studied SDR programming systems is estimated. Diagrams for the generated FMCW signals with the chosen parameters in time and frequency area are drawn. The computational capability and time consumption related to operation of the studied systems of SDR programming are analyzed within operation and configuration of examples. Basic advantages (including versatility and availability) and disadvantages (including time consumption and the absence of project flexibility) of the discussed systems are stated; their mutual comparison is carried out.References
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