Development of Units with Integrated Modular Type Induction Generators


  • N. M. Shaytor
  • B. A. Yakimovich
  • Y. I. Ryaskov
  • A. V. Gorpinchenko



generator unit, axial-radial configuration, electromagnetic core, design equation, specific gravity


The paper proposes new constructive solutions for generating units with integrated modular type induction generators. The fundamentals of analytical and numerical methods for calculating generators, which are related to a new class of inductor machines with distributed magnetic and concentrated electrical systems, are developed. The aim of the study is to develop integrated designs of a modular inductor generator, including the creation of a calculation method, with the calculation of the minimum specific mass and justification of the areas of effective use of generators with different types of drives.

The areas of application of new generator sets with the improved weight and size, operational and economic characteristics and meeting the modern requirements of waste-free technologies and cost reduction are substantiated. The reliability of the obtained scientific results is due to the strict mathematical conclusions of analytical dependences, verification of the solution of problems to determine the size and specific parameters of the generators by numerical methods. The presented calculation results are confirmed by experimental studies.

It is shown that in comparison with the classical inductor machines with concentrated magnetic and distributed electrical systems, the specific mass of the proposed generators can be repeatedly improved. The obtained results are the basis for the industrial production of prototypes of generator sets in order to refine and organize their production.


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How to Cite

Shaytor Н. М., Yakimovich Б. А., Ryaskov Ю. И., & Gorpinchenko А. В. (2019). Development of Units with Integrated Modular Type Induction Generators. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(3), 90–97.


