Analysis of Strengthening Mechanisms Forming the Yield Strength in Hardox 450 Steel


  • A. N. Smirnov
  • N. V. Ababkov
  • N. A. Popova
  • V. V. Murav’ev
  • K. V. Knyaz’kov
  • N. A. Koneva



Hardox 450 steel, hardening mechanisms, heat-affected zone, yield strength, dislocation substructure


The paper presents the results of a study of hardening mechanisms that form the yield strength in Hardox 450 steel in the heat-affected zone.

Recently, in connection with the increase in coal production and the use of modern powerful mining equipment, it is necessary to use new materials with high performance characteristics. These materials include Hardox 450 steel, from which many parts and components of open-pit coal mining equipment are made.

It has been established and calculated that the main and almost identical contribution to the formation of the yield strength of the investigated Hardox 450 steel, both in the initial state and in the zone of the heat influence of welding, is made by long-range stress and dislocation fields of the “forest” (up to 325…385 MPa - the initial state, 325…405 MPa - HAZ). A significant contribution to the hardening is made by cementite particles. The presence of a “structural layer” revealed by electron microscopic studies in the HAZ is confirmed by the calculation of contributions of hardening, here the sum of contributions is minimal (850 MPa) and achieved by reducing the share of grain boundary hardening and redistribution of cementite particles in phases.

As a result of structural studies and calculations, it was found that Hardox 450 steel in the initial state and in the heat-affected zone after the recommended welding mode has a microstructure with high performance properties. The presence of a "structural layer" slightly decreased the operational characteristics of the HAZ.


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How to Cite

Smirnov А. Н., Ababkov Н. В., Popova Н. А., Murav’ev В. В., Knyaz’kov К. В., & Koneva Н. А. (2019). Analysis of Strengthening Mechanisms Forming the Yield Strength in Hardox 450 Steel. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(4), 10–17.


