Use of Support Modules to Ensure the Accuracy of Non-Rigid Parts of a Complex Profile During Milling


  • S. A. Pogudin
  • N. S. Sivtsev
  • A. G. Bazhin



accuracy, non-rigid parts, milling, cutting forces, elastic deformations, support module


The variable nature of the cutting force and the flexibility of the machine-tool-adaptation-tool-part system cause uneven elastic deformations of the workpiece, which constitute a significant part of the error of the blade processing. To increase the accuracy of parts, it is necessary to control the elastic deformations of the workpiece.  The fulfillment of this requirement is especially significant in the processing of non-rigid (thin-walled) parts.

The systematization of methods for controlling elastic deformations of such parts - stabilizing and reducing the value of elastic deformations - is given. It is shown that the largest number of methods is developed for reducing the elastic deformation of the workpiece during cutting. This is achieved either by reducing the cutting forces, or by increasing the rigidity of the workpiece by methods referred to the group of “sacrificial” and supporting.

The results of experimental studies of the accuracy of machining of non-rigid parts by milling using the support module - a block of several movable supports that impede the elastic deformation of the workpiece during processing are presented. It is established that the shape deviation of the surfaces of the parts machined using the auxiliary support module is significantly affected by the location of the supports. In sections of the workpiece remote from the cutting tool, due to elastic deformation, it may detach from the supports, which leads to additional vibrations of the workpiece and a decrease in surface quality according to roughness parameters.

To eliminate the gap, a new method for fixing non-rigid blanks on supports and a device for its implementation are proposed. The method includes basing and securing a workpiece, bringing a block of movable supports to its supporting surface and then applying uniformly distributed pressure to the workpiece from the side of the work surface. The device for fixing non-rigid workpieces of the proposed method contains a two-dimensional array of self-aligning supports, rigidly fixed in the appropriate position by the locking mechanism. Some of the supports are equipped with vacuum suction cups mounted on their upper ends and connected with a vacuum system.


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How to Cite

Pogudin С. А., Sivtsev Н. С., & Bazhin А. Г. (2019). Use of Support Modules to Ensure the Accuracy of Non-Rigid Parts of a Complex Profile During Milling. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(4), 27–37.


