Investigation of the Detection Method for Longitudinal Cracks in the Head of Rail Tracks


  • A. A. Markov
  • G. A. Ivanov



rails, longitudinal cracks, ultrasonic testing, echo method, mirror shadow method


The paper presents the results of studies of the method for detecting longitudinal cracks by ultrasonic waves in a rail head. Up to 80% of modern rails defects are longitudinal cracks. Analysis of the envelope of signals from the lower fillet of the rail head (ZTM) allows us to determine the extent of the crack along the length of the rail. For the practical implementation of the proposed method, it is advisable to form three time zones for the selection of informative signals, the position of which depends on the current height of the rail head. The short travel time of ultrasonic vibrations (up to 100 μs) allows to increase the probe pulses sending frequency by 2…2.5 times as compared to the current values (about 4…10 kHz), which removes the scanning speed restrictions.

The proposed technical solution allows to detect sections of rails with longitudinal internal cracks; evaluate their dimensions, both the width and the length along the rail head; determine the depth of horizontal longitudinal cracks; evaluate the quality of acoustic contact of the transducers; increase the sampling rate of sounding pulses, contributing to increase the speed of control.

The possibility of classifying a detected defect in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation is considered in order to further automate the monitoring of rails. To implement the proposed method in real conditions, taking into account the possible wear of the rail head, it is suggested to monitor the temporary selection zones relative to the temporary position of the echo signal.

The performed studies allow to test the method in the field at operating speeds of removable flaw detectors (up to 6 km/h) and diagnostic systems (up to 100 km/h).


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How to Cite

Markov А. А., & Ivanov Г. А. (2019). Investigation of the Detection Method for Longitudinal Cracks in the Head of Rail Tracks. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(4), 46–56.


