Development of an Algorithm for Evaluation of Geometric Characteristics of Walls by Computer Vision System
computer vision, wall defects, structured light, evaluation algorithmAbstract
The paper considers the problems of assessing the quality of construction work. The main defects of the walls are revealed: the deviation of the wall from verticality, convexity and concavity, deviations of wall angles from 90 degrees, the taper of door and window openings.
The algorithm of the operating of the computer vision system is presented. It allows for restoring the three-dimensional coordinates of walls by analyzing the deformation of the structured grid projected to them. The key objects for reconstructing the geometry are the intersections of the horizontal and vertical lines of the contrast grid. The obtained coordinates of the key points are compared with the coordinates of the key points in the ideal case, i.e. when projected to an absolutely vertical plane.
The formula for calculating the deviation from the vertical for each key point is presented. The method for approximating the obtained discrete values by an analytically given surface is proposed. It allows to accurately classify defects and determine their quantitative characteristics, as well as calculate the volume of materials to eliminate them. The most applicable types of second-order surfaces are considered.
As part of the study, it is planned to create functional software with a convenient user interface, based on the developed algorithm, and evaluate the developed system in practice.References
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