Methods for Diagnosis of Downhole Pumping Equipment Condition Based on Dynamometry
dynamogram, sucker rod pump, discharge unit, diagnosis, forecasting, algorithm, failureAbstract
Timely diagnosis and prediction of failures in the operation of the downhole pumping equipment allows you to increase the overhaul period of the well. The most common and effective way to diagnose the downhole pumping equipment is to analyze the results of dynamometry, most of which are based on a visual comparison of the images of practical dynamograms with the reference ones.
In this paper, we propose a method for diagnosing the condition of the downhole pumping equipment using interval estimates of dynamometer results using the example of a fluid leak in the pump discharge unit. To determine the boundaries of this interval, the Student distribution is used. From the analysis of the constructed confidence interval during the upstroke of the polished rod, it was established that it is narrowed in the interval from 0.3 to 0.7 m. This range corresponds to the interval at which the rod takes up the maximum load during the failure-free state of the downhole pumping equipment, which indicates the beginning of the movement of the pump plunger up.
On the basis of the developed diagnostic technique, a methodology for predicting failures is proposed using the example of a fluid leak in the pump discharge unit. The interval of variation of the curve for the dependence of the relative force at the polished rod on its stroke is constructed. Based on the frequency of occurrence of this curve in the obtained interval with a reliability of 95%, a forecast is built on the growth of failure associated with leaks in the valve assembly.References
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