Cognitive Radio System Operational Control Algorithm


  • G. A. Blagodatsky
  • A. A. Kopysov
  • V. V. Khvorenkov
  • I. S. Baturin



cognitive, radio, optimal control, efficiency, decision making, stochastic environment


The paper presents an algorithm for optimal control of the cognitive radio communication system. The algorithm is based on the application of decision-making criteria in a dynamic environment. The basis of the algorithm is to solve the optimization problem of maximizing the coefficient of efficiency of the system in a given mode. Thus, the cognitive radio system can choose the most optimal mode of operation, both in a specific situation Tj and choose the general preferred Ei in the integrated assessment of the external situation.

For efficient information transfer, with a significantly discharged battery, the radio system needs to switch to E3 (power 1, 3, 10 W; speed 2400, 9600 bps; CCM type (modulation type) 4FSK, QPSK, QPSK; frequency 30 ... 300 VHF MHz; Band 6.25 / 12.5; 6.25 / 12.5; 25/50/100/150 kHz) mode. To increase the efficiency of information transfer in this mode, it is also advisable to continue the control of signal-code constructions. When continuing to work in time constraints, it is necessary to switch to the E4 (power 1, 3, 10 W; speed 2400, 9600 bps; CCM type (modulation type) 4FSK, QPSK, QPSK; Frequency 300 ... 3000 UHF MHz; Band 6.25 / 12.5; 6.25 / 12.5; 25/50/100/150 12.5 kHz) operating mode and direct the resources of the radio system to control the transmission power, thereby increasing the efficiency by increasing the energy of the radio line. To transmit the digital speech with a discharged battery, it is necessary to switch to E1 (power 1, 10, 100 W; speed 2400, 1200, 800 bit / s; CCM type (modulation type) OFDM (SSB), QPSK; Frequency 3 ... 30, HF MHz; 3.1 kHz band) mode and to increase the efficiency; and the control of signal-code structures is required here. When time constraints occur, the radio system needs to switch to E2 (power 1, 3, 10 W; speed 2400, 1200, 800 bit / s; CCM type (modulation type) 4FSK, QPSK, QPSK; Frequency 30 ... 300, VHF (VHF) MHz; Band 6.25 / 12.5; 6.25 / 12.5; 25/50/100/150 kHz) mode of operation and to increase the reliability of reception and transmission; and the resources are required to be spent on transmit power control.

Considering the efficiency of the radio system in analog and digital modes, we can conclude that, when time constraints occur, it is effective to control the transmitter power (increase the energy of the radio line). However, when working in digital modes, the decrease in efficiency is much slower than when using analog modes. Analysis of operation within radio power limitations also shows a slower decrease in the efficiency with digital modes; moreover, the resource consumption rate is significantly reduced in digital modes, while it is sharply increased in analog modes.


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How to Cite

Blagodatsky Г. А., Kopysov А. Н., Khvorenkov В. В., & Baturin И. С. (2019). Cognitive Radio System Operational Control Algorithm. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(4), 93–106.


