Overview of Types of Protection of Asynchronous Motors Used in Power Systems and Complexes


  • Y. A. Ryaskov
  • N. M. Shaytor
  • A. V. Gorpinchenko




asynchronous motors, emergency modes, voltage asymmetry, phase windings, inter-turn closure, scattering flow, measuring coil


Faults of electric machines that occur due to short circuits, overloads, changes in the voltage of the supply network are considered. Special attention is paid to damage to the insulation of the stator windings and inter-turn faults. The review of application of relay protection for prevention of malfunctions of electric machines at occurrence of emergency modes is given. It is established that the existing types of protection: instantaneous relay protection, current protection, protection against interfacial short circuits, overload protection, protection against minimum voltage - do not guarantee the saving of the machine in case of inter-turn circuits. These types of protections do not have sufficient selectivity, sensitivity and speed, do not take into account the existing asymmetry of the voltage supply networks and can lead to false positives.

The prerequisites for the occurrence of short circuits are considered: severe working conditions, insufficient stability of electrical properties of insulating materials, imperfect technology of laying windings. The main causes of short circuits in the windings of the machines are the damage to the insulation under the influence of external influences, long lasting operation of the motor with high temperature windings, and the natural aging of the insulation.

Features of the physical processes occurring at turn circuits in a separate phase of the stator, at various connection of coil groups of the winding accompanied by formation of an electric arc and damage of isolation are considered.

Special attention is paid to the introduction of relay protection to prevent inter-turn faults in the stator windings, which result in non-maintainable condition of electric machines.

It is established that a promising type is a protection that reacts to changes in the magnetic flux scattering of the stator windings of the engine, the sensitive element of which is an annular measuring coil located inside the engine at the frontal part of the winding, and its terminals are connected to the reacting organ. However, this invention has significant drawbacks, namely, in the case of asymmetry of the three-phase supply voltage, this protection is triggered by switching off the motor, similar to the operation of a loop circuit between sections of one phase.

The authors recommend the use of a special transformer included between the supply network and the output of the measuring coil. As a result, the asymmetric components compensate for each other, and the protection is triggered only at the inter-winding circuit in the phase of the stator winding.


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How to Cite

Ryaskov Ю. И., Shaytor Н. М., & Gorpinchenko А. В. (2019). Overview of Types of Protection of Asynchronous Motors Used in Power Systems and Complexes. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(4), 107–115. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2019-4-107-115


