Prospects for the Development of Renewable Energy in the Crimean Peninsula


  • V. V. Guryev
  • V. V. Kuvshinov
  • B. A. Yakimovich



power balance, ecology, renewable energy, solar and wind energy, field tests


The Crimean peninsula is the flagship of the development of renewable energy, as it is not only an actively developing region, but also a resort center. The energy complex of the Crimean peninsula in recent years has increased due to the construction of new power plants (Balaklava TPP and Tavricheskaya TPP) with a total capacity of 940 MW, as well as the construction of new 220 and 330 kV transmission lines, which ensured that the peninsula's power supply deficit was covered. A review of the regional development and use of renewable energy sources is carried out. Based on the data obtained, an analysis is made of the problems and prospects for the development of renewable energy in the region.

The development of renewable energy for the Crimean peninsula plays an important role in order to achieve environmental safety and develop the economic potential of the region. The paper substantiates the priority use of renewable energy in the region, as well as the solution of emerging problems with an increase in the share of renewable energy in the total generation. The appearance of excess electricity in the power system and the possibility of balancing the generated power of renewable energy and thermal power plants, while reducing the cost of electricity. Investment attractiveness and active population growth in the region leads to an increase in generating capacity and an increase in the maneuverability of the energy system with a significant impact of RES. The efficiency of renewable energy in the energy system, the world experience in managing renewable energy generation, the actual impact of renewable energy on the energy system in conditions of electricity shortage, and forecast work schedules of the SES wind farm provided by the electric power industry entities in the assigned way are taken into account when forming the dispatch schedule and are accepted at the request of the subject.

The available experience of existing SES in the power system of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol requires additional research, including through field testing of generating equipment. Further full-scale tests should be carried out under the conditions of a real electric power mode of the power system, which requires the introduction of modern information technologies that ensure the exchange of technological information and the implementation of appropriate control actions. The work is underway to create a regulatory framework for the control of renewable energy source operation.


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How to Cite

Guryev В. В., Kuvshinov В. В., & Yakimovich Б. А. (2019). Prospects for the Development of Renewable Energy in the Crimean Peninsula. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 22(4), 116–123.


