Carbonitriding of Diamondiferous Tape Based on Iron and Its Alloys


  • A. A. Khlybov
  • T. M. Kolosova
  • E. S. Belyaev
  • S. S. Belyaeva



sintering, rolling, powders, tape, carbonitriding, nitriding, diamond-containing materials, compacting, strength


The paper presents the results of studying the structure and properties of diamond-containing sheet materials intended for the manufacture of thin cutting wheels for separation of products in microelectronics. The considered diamond-containing material is made on the basis of a metal bond of the iron - copper - nickel system. The structural composition that ensures the operability of the tool is created by rolling a powder mixture into a tape, sintering a rolling tape, a multi-stage sealing combined with mechanical-thermal treatment and final chemical-thermal treatment of finished cutting wheels.

The mechanical-thermal treatment combines the compaction steps to the non-porous state of the tool belt and will increase the bond strength in the diamond-containing tool by creating a workable dislocation structure. The mechanisms of dispersion hardening are divided into main and indirect. The main ones are based on the fact that dispersed particles are obstacles to the movement of dislocations, indirect ones are associated with the effect of dispersed particles on the nature of the substructure. The main hardening phases include carbides, nitrides, carbonitrides, and intermetallic compounds.

Chemical-thermal treatment (carbonitriding) forms dispersed nitrides and carbonitrides in the structure, which creates additional obstacles to the movement of the dislocation, increasing the bond strength according to the principles of dispersion hardening.

As a result of complex processing aimed at forming the structure of a metal bond of thin diamond-containing cutting wheels, microhardness in the outer layer of the cutting wheel is reached up to 8250 MPa, and in the inner heterophase layer up to 4150 MPa. High microhardness in the outer layer of the cutting wheel made it possible to reduce radial wear to 26 μm per 100 m of the total cutting path at a rotation speed of 34,000 min– 1 and a maximum, ultimate destructive feed of 95 ... 103 mm/s (when cutting highly hard brittle materials) compared to cutting circles obtained by a similar technology but not subjected to final chemical-thermal treatment. In the case considered, chemical-thermal treatment carried out on thin cutting wheels significantly increases their service life.


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How to Cite

Khlybov А. А., Kolosova Т. М., Belyaev Е. С., & Belyaeva С. С. (2020). Carbonitriding of Diamondiferous Tape Based on Iron and Its Alloys. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(1), 6–13.


