Development of Methodology for Evaluating the Brake Disc Cooling System


  • A. E. Litvinov
  • P. A. Polyakov
  • E. A. Polyakova
  • R. S. Tagiev
  • E. S. Fedotov
  • A. A. Golikov



ventilation unit, air flow, brake disc, vortex formation, Rank effect


During operation of the friction unit in the process of slowing down the rotation of the drive, a large amount of energy is released on the friction pairs, which is dissipated into the environment. Due to the pressure difference between the internal and external openings, cooling air flows through the ventilation duct. The overall parameters of the brake disc are the determining criteria in the design, while the performance of the ventilation apparatus of the brake disc fades into the background.

There are practically no works devoted to determining the operation parameters of the ventilation apparatus and developing criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. Based on the literature review, the dependence of the criterion of the cooling system, namely, air flow, on the design parameters of ventilation ducts and operating factors of the medium being washed was theoretically substantiated.

One of the varieties of mathematical modeling is the method of numerical simulation. Modeling was performed using the finite element method in the ANSYS software product, in particular, the study simulated the operation of a ventilation unit with direct ventilated channels and assessed the efficiency of the operation of the brake disc ventilation apparatus. When changing the geometric parameters of the ventilated channels of the brake disc (angles of entry and exit of the air flow, number of ribs, radius of rounding of the ribs), changes in the operational performance of the ventilation apparatus were evaluated. According to the studies, it was found that with an increase in the angle of exit of the air flow, the air flow velocity increases and, accordingly, the air flow passing through the ventilation apparatus goes up. In addition, the trajectories of the air flow in the ventilation apparatus of the brake disc were simulated. The disadvantage of this study is the lack of accounting for vortex formation.

Based on theoretical studies and numerical simulation of the operation of the ventilation apparatus, we can conclude that forced cooling is not enough for the effective functioning of the friction unit in a stable thermal range. For this, it is necessary to determine the criteria for evaluating the operation of the ventilation apparatus of the brake disc, and to find out the degree of influence of design and operational factors on the evaluation criteria. Based on the literature review, many researchers cite the following factors as evaluation criteria: speed at the inlet and outlet of the ventilated channel, and the air flow through the ventilation unit.


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How to Cite

Litvinov А. Е., Polyakov П. А., Polyakova Е. А., Tagiev Р. С., Fedotov Е. С., & Golikov А. А. (2020). Development of Methodology for Evaluating the Brake Disc Cooling System. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(1), 14–22.


