Evaluation of Effectiveness of Multifactorial Lesion Field Taking into Account the Action of Incendiary Ele-ments


  • V. V. Kozlov
  • A. V. Vasilyev
  • A. A. Dеmсhеnко
  • A. I. Chuprin




ammunition, shrapnel, multi-factor, fuel, energy, probability, efficiency


The analysis of recent military operations with the use of massive precision weapons in conventional equipment (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.) confirms that the main coastal and maritime targets are, first of all, objects of missile and aviation complexes, as potential carriers of nuclear weapons. The planned defeat of missile and aircraft systems on land and at sea provides strategic superiority. Objects of aviation and mobile missile systems belong to objects with fuel-saturated materials and at their known location are very vulnerable targets in relation to joint shrapnel-fire effects. At the same time, it should be noted that the energy of the targets themselves is used to defeat these targets, which is many times greater than the energy of the applied weapon.

Today, shrapnel and high-explosive weapons of mass destruction form one of the most extensive and developed classes of ammunition intended for almost all types of targets, but their use without the use of incendiary weapons is not always appropriate and effective. In conditions of combat operations, the main volume of tasks to defeat designated targets is solved with a high degree of probability by the simultaneous use of high-explosive and incendiary weapons. It is known that the joint use of destructive (high-explosive, fragmentation, etc.) and incendiary ammunition is effective from the point of view of the damage caused, provided that their zones of destruction are combined. In real conditions, organization of such a combined effect is difficult because of the significant individual dispersion of the means of destruction with various damaging factors.

It is the joint use of destructive and incendiary weapons in a single ammunition that will significantly increase their combat effectiveness and, above all, for objects with combustible materials. Creating such a multi-factor weapon is one of the absolute priorities of the state armament program.

To design such weapons at the initial stages, it is necessary to develop a unified scientific approach to assess the effectiveness of multifactor fields of destruction, taking into account the action of incendiary elements, which is not available today. The scientific paper presents theoretical studies in the field of evaluating the effectiveness of multi-factor weapons.


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How to Cite

Kozlov В. В., Vasilyev А. В., Dеmсhеnко А. А., & Chuprin А. И. (2020). Evaluation of Effectiveness of Multifactorial Lesion Field Taking into Account the Action of Incendiary Ele-ments. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(1), 54–64. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2020-1-54-64


