Estimation of the Life of Spiroid Gears by Wear Taking into Account the Equivalent Torque
wear, wear rate, gearing, life, spiroid gear, equivalent torqueAbstract
The paper substantiates the feasibility of using spiroid gears in hoisting-and-transport and construction vehicles' drives and mechanisms. The unique advantages of these gears are noted, allowing to design machine drives with improved technical and economic indicators.
The information on the leading manufacturers of spiroid gears in Russia and abroad is given.
The paper provides a brief description and analysis of the main causes of failure of mechanisms and drives of machines based on gears and worm gears, as a result of their operation and the action of contact loads on the active surfaces of the gear teeth, which leads to malfunctions, breakdowns, failures in the form of wear, scuffing and tear. The existing method of calculating endurance is described taking into account the schedule for changing the values of loads and the number of cycles of their action on the contact endurance and on the endurance of teeth during bending, used in calculating the strength of spur and helical gears.
The necessity of creating a method for assessing the wear of spiroid gears is substantiated, taking into account the stepwise mode of action of loads based on an analysis of operating modes of drives of hoisting-and-transport machinery and equipment where this type of gear is used.
The proposed method is illustrated by an example of calculating the life of the spiroid gearbox for a traction winch of a stacking crane.References
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