Extension of Antenna Matching Frequency Band Using Reactive Elements
HF and VHF antennas, matching devices, antenna tuner, reactive elements, entrance resistance, structural and parametrical synthesisAbstract
Traditional approaches to the expansion of frequency bands of antenna matching using reactive chains are systemically considered. Criteria of efficiency and features of synthesis of matching contours are discussed. The estimation of the limit bandwidth expansion of passive matching antennas with the contours on the reactive elements is analyzed. Regardless of the complexity and number of matching contours, the passive matching band is limited to some area whose size is inversely proportional to the quality of the matching antenna. It is shown that it is possible to expand it for high-sound antennas using the introduction of resistive elements to the additional one-planimetric matching modules.
Synthesis of actively adjusted tuners on reactive elements for matching broadband radio terminals is considered, and the analysis of automatic control processes is made. It is shown that their structural complexity and overall performance also depend on the good quality of antennas.
The technique of synthesis of the matching chain for passive narrow-band matching is given in several frequencies for multirange antennas. At first, the main structure of the matching chain gets out, and for the demanded frequencies its specific reactive resistance and conductivity are determined. Further sets of these reactive resistance and conductivity are realized through the synthesis of reactive structures in Foster’s first and second forms.
Modeling the influence of a choice of structure of the matching device on the expansion of a frequency band of high-sound antennas matching is executed. At the synthesis of the multi-circuit matching structures by the method of trial modeling, small advantages are found at structures with parallel connections of consecutive contours.References
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