Entropy Assessment of the Quality and Resource of the Steel Structure Functional Properties


  • V. V. Belykh Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia
  • V. V. Murav’ev Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia
  • V. A. Stepanov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia




steel, hardening, tempering, entropy, ordering, multifractal


When conducting a metallographic metal analysis, difficulties arise in the invariant reproduction of its structure, since a variety of images are observed for the same metal, creating uncertainty in the identification of the structure. The paper presents the information parameters of the entropy model obtained due to the multifractal parameterization of heat-treated steel 60С2А. Estimates of the structure quality and resource of the functional properties are derived, the heat treatment mode is carried out, which ensures the optimal structure of 60С2А steel. The control parameters of the heat treatment mode were various compositions and temperatures of the quenching medium, and the tempering temperature.

Three groups of structural states of heat-treated steel are distinguished according to the “randomness norm” of the behavior for active structural elements relative to the equilibrium state of steel:

- the first group: a significant increase in entropy Ht = 17 with an insignificant value of the order parameter KS = = 0.02…0.04; stock of information memory 30…32 %;

- second group: a slight change in entropy Ht = 15.5…15.8; order parameter KS = 0.05…0.13; stock of information memory 16…21 %;

- third group: entropy reduction Ht = 12.6…13.6 with a constant order parameter KS = 0.04; stock of information memory 4...7 %.

The extreme nature of the change in entropy from the concentration of the aqueous solution of the PZZh quenching medium is observed. The extreme nature of the entropy change originates from a change in the type of self-organization: the transition from thermodynamic at a content of 0…6 % of the PZZh to the dynamic at a content of 11…12 % of the PZZh. In the interval 0…11 % of the PZZh, the order parameter is practically unchanged; at the same time, noticeable changes in entropy occur. The results of studying the entropy model of the structure of heat-treated steel 60С2А allow us to conclude that it is possible to create a classification table of steel structural states based on information entropy and the order parameter, to estimate the reserve of quality information memory and functional properties of the structure for forecasting operation reliability.


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How to Cite

Belykh В. В., Murav’ev В. В., & Stepanov В. А. (2020). Entropy Assessment of the Quality and Resource of the Steel Structure Functional Properties. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(3), 15–24. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2020-3-15-24


