Providing Quick Fastening of the Functional Module to the Frame of Special Equipment to Maintain the Combat Readiness of Armored Weapons


  • A. L. Akhtulov Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute, Omsk, Russia
  • E. V. Bukhovtsev Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute, Omsk, Russia
  • S. E. Dadayan Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute, Omsk, Russia
  • V. V. Maly Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute, Omsk, Russia
  • V. A. Moskalenko RTC (Research and Development Prospects of Armored Vehicles AF RF) 3 CRI MD RF



special military equipment, functional module, universalization, quick fastening


In accordance with the conceptual approaches to the development of promising complexes of special equipment, their further development should be carried out on the basis of the creation of universal-modular workshops on standard unified chassis through constructive and functional interfacing of special technological equipment with chassis elements without changing the layout and design.

In the course of the analysis of research in this area, a number of options for solving this problem were identified, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages: the use of stepladders that press the body to the car frame by means of a threaded nut through the shock-absorbing unit and fastening devices; rearrangement of a car body-van from one chassis to another vehicle and an autonomous cargo module with a box-body equipped with a self-loading-unloading system, etc.

The paper presents the design of a device for quickly attaching a functional module to the frame of a vehicle, the use of which on special equipment to ensure the combat readiness of armored weapons provides fast and reliable fastening of the functional module to the frame of the base chassis. The operability of the structure is confirmed by a computer experiment carried out according to the developed algorithms for the layout calculation of the complex, implemented in the form of independent narrow-purpose programs, each of which can be translated, compiled and recorded on an external medium. The programs are compiled using standard software and, depending on requests, can be implemented as a package of applied programs with a different sequence of their execution. The constructed algorithms make it possible to use computer complexes for layout calculations and greatly simplify them. The stiffness, inertial and damping properties of a system are determined from the characteristics of individual elements, subsystems and substructures by means of the same automatic operations of matrix algebra.

The implementation of ensuring the interchangeability of the vehicle chassis with the possibility of quick replacement of its functional module will allow, in addition to solving the problem of unification in component parts, to ensure complete interchangeability of the chassis for various types of special equipment, as well as to form its optimal composition to ensure the combat readiness of modern armored vehicles.


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How to Cite

Akhtulov А. Л., Bukhovtsev Е. В., Dadayan С. Э., Maly В. В., & Moskalenko В. В. (2020). Providing Quick Fastening of the Functional Module to the Frame of Special Equipment to Maintain the Combat Readiness of Armored Weapons. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(3), 55–61.


