Engineering Synthesis of VHF Antenna Matching Structures with Feeder Line Segments


  • B. P. Verba Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia
  • K. V. Shishakov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia



VHF antennas, matching devices, sections of feeder lines, reactive elements, input impedance, structural-parametric synthesis


Engineering methods of synthesis of VHF antenna matching structures using sections of feeder lines are systematically considered. In this case, the choice of matching structures is limited to the use of reactive elements and sections of transmission lines. The possibilities and options for expanding the frequency band of passive matching on such elements are discussed. The clarity of the material is provided by its presentation on a complex Smith chart.

For the use of equivalent electrical circuits with lumped reactive elements, variants of their analogs in the form of loops of closed and open sections of transmission lines are presented, and the possibilities of creating equivalent series and parallel oscillatory circuits using aggregated two-element loops are shown.

The creation of reactances using inserts from line segments is considered. By choosing the parameters of the series-connected inserts, it is possible to create various equivalent structures from series and parallel-connected capacitors and inductors, series and parallel oscillatory circuits. Inserting a segment of the transmission line after the load additionally allows to redistribute the active and reactive components of the input resistance without changing the SWR, including changing the sign of the reactive component. At the same time, in order to simplify the implementation of a broadband matching device, it is recommended to move the input resistance closer to the horizontal axis in the left half-plane of the Smith diagram, since the resistance in it changes less compared to the right half-plane.

With the help of the Smith diagram, various variants of the synthesis of two-element matching structures with the use of transmission line segments are shown and methods for their calculation are given. The problem of broadening the matching band based on multi-loop circuits with a band-pass filter structure is discussed. To illustrate the effect of the structure of the matching device on the matching bandwidth, the results of engineering modeling the proposed structures for the case of a shortened antenna are presented.


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How to Cite

Verba Б. П., & Shishakov К. В. (2020). Engineering Synthesis of VHF Antenna Matching Structures with Feeder Line Segments. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(3), 62–76.


