Selecting Shunt Power Capacitors and Non-active Power Compensation Devices for Voltage 1000V


  • A. E. Fokeev Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia
  • N. A. Vyatkin Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia



shunt power capacitors, nonlinear loads, non-active power, non-active power compensation devices


Factors affecting the choice of capacitors and non-active power compensation devices with a voltage up to 1000V are considered. The review of conceptual approaches to the selection of technical solutions for non-active power compensation, taking into account the electromagnetic environment in the electrical network is given.

The results of selecting the nominal voltage of capacitors for non-active power compensation devices are analyzed. The choice of capacitors and devices for compensation of non-active power was made for three typical objects characterized by the different harmonic composition of the electric network voltage and load current. It is established that to ensure the standard service life of inactive power compensation devices in the considered cases, the rated voltage of capacitors should be increased by 10-20% compared to conventional solutions of manufacturers. The payback period for such solutions is from 3 to 6 years, with a standard service life of 15 years. For objects with a share of the total power of a nonlinear load of more than 50%, it is advisable to use active harmonic filters as devices for non-active power compensation.

An algorithm for selecting capacitors and non-active power compensation devices is proposed, taking into account the electromagnetic situation in the electrical network, which assumes the use of the following parameters: the coefficient of harmonic overload of the capacitor and the given annual costs.

The proposed algorithm for selecting inactive power compensation devices can be used as part of the methodology for calculating electrical loads and selecting electrical power equipment when designing transformer substations for industrial facilities, infrastructure facilities, residential and public buildings.


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How to Cite

Fokeev А. Е., & Vyatkin Н. А. (2020). Selecting Shunt Power Capacitors and Non-active Power Compensation Devices for Voltage 1000V. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(3), 84–92.


