Assessment of the Potential of Wind Energy Resources in Southern Iraq


  • F. M. Al-Rufaee Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia
  • L. M. Abdali Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia
  • V. V. Kuvshinov Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia
  • B. A. Yakimovich Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia



wind turbine, wind energy, renewable energy, electricity, wind speed


Data on wind speed in various regions of Iraq are studied. The data show that the city of Alhay, located in southern Iraq, where the average wind speeds were recorded in years, is ideal for creating a design wind farm due to the fact that the wind speed is acceptable there. The power and energy that can be obtained from a wind power installation have also been developed and calculated.

In order to increase the share of renewable alternative energy in the global energy complex and reduce the consumption of traditional fuel energy resources, it is necessary to study the potential of renewable energy in developing countries. These states are highly dependent on imports of power plants and technologies. As a result, they are not sufficiently developing their energy complex through the use of alternative energy. This is also due to insufficient forecasting and assessment of the potential of renewable energy resources on its territory. Renewable energy will need to play a large role in reducing emissions using alternative electricity sources such as wind power.

The results showed that the proposed wind energy system is a good choice and can be implemented in Alhay to provide enough electricity for the cities of Iraq.


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How to Cite

Al-Rufaee Ф. М., Abdali Л. М., Kuvshinov В. В., & Yakimovich Б. А. (2020). Assessment of the Potential of Wind Energy Resources in Southern Iraq. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 23(3), 105–113.


