About the Influence of Optical Distortions in the Research of Quick Flowing Dynamic Processes Using a High-Speed Video Camera
high-speed video recording, aberrations, fast dynamic processes, small arms, testsAbstract
Digital high-speed video filming is one of the most modern technical means for studying fast dynamic processes. In the field of experimental ballistics, the methods of instant photography and high-speed filming have been used for a long time, and, as a rule, they are the tool for conducting qualitative research. The digital format of photographs made it possible to use a video camera in conjunction with various image processing programs as a measuring complex, making it possible to determine the kinematic parameters characterizing the object's movement under study with sufficient accuracy. Despite the widespread use of high-speed video recording for the survey of fast-flowing processes, today, there are few works related to the study of errors when making changes using high-speed video recording.
The paper presents a historical outline of using the photography method in experimental ballistics of barrel weapons. It gives the results of a qualitative analysis of optical errors and distortions (aberrations) from the formation of images by a high-speed video camera. Based on studies of the effect of aberrations arising from the formation of images by a high-speed video camera OLYMPUS i-SPEED 3 using lenses with different focal lengths, recommendations for its application have been developed for carrying out kinematic and dynamic analysis of various processes and phenomena.
Depending on the speed of video recording and lens used, recommendations have been developed for the object's location and the area of research of the lens field. It is shown that, along with the lens's focal length, an important parameter is the aperture ratio, which should be at least 1: 1.5 at a high frequency of video recording.References
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